ca. 1888 Inupiaq Kayak replica
This replica was based on the drawing in Adney & Chappelle's "The Bark Canoes and Skinboats of North America" of a kayak from Point Barrow vicinity (1964:201, fig.187). It measures 17'3" long, 18-1/2" wide, and 7-3/4" deep to sheer. I built this kayak in 1998, but re-built it in 2010 to my own survey dimensions and details of the original, which included lengthening the kayak to 18'1." All photos are of the re-build unless stated. The original kayak is at the U.S. National Museum of Natural History-- when Chapelle surveyed it the catalog number was 57773, but it has since been changed to 307211.
The finished re-build: April, 2010.
Forward interior view of the earlier incarnation of this replica.
Don Golden paddling my first Pt. Barrow kayak replica on the Willamette, 2005.